Freight Conditions:
- Freight rate is estimated on assumed spot Time Charter equivalent of a standard vessel and hence freight
rate is always without any guarantee or liability on our end whatsoever.
- It's understood that the assumed Time Charter rate may vary in a region subject to market conditions, number
of available vessels for any desired route & ship owners safety factors.
- Bunker rate, port expense and other expense/ margins may vary as per actuals.
- Load & Discharge rate is based on metric tons and per day basis.
- Weather factor of about 10% at sea is considered.
- Brokerage commission of 1.25% is included in freight.
- Freight tax, if any, is not included.
- Port EPDA (Estimated Port Disbursement Account) is based on last tariff available.
- Spot rate of a standard vessel size is considered irrespective of the date selection by the user.
- Freight is basis "free in and out, stowed and trimmed".
- Freight is considered from one load to one discharge port only.
- Load, discharge terms & nor terms are SHINC (Sundays & Holidays Included) or FHINC (Fridays & Holidays
Included) basis both ends.
- Estimated freight considers no congestion at Load or Discharge Port. However, turn time 12hrs is used at
both – Load & Discharge Port.
- Actual freight will vary as per other main terms of charterer's, vessel particulars, any recent change in
draft restrictions at both ends etc.
- Errors/omissions always exempted.